Uses of Class

Packages that use TimerType

Uses of TimerType in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core

Methods in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core that return TimerType
static TimerType TimerType.createAbsoluteTimer(java.util.Date date)
          Create an instance of absolute timer.
static TimerType TimerType.createRelativeToPreviousTaskTimer(int days, int hours, int mins, java.lang.String relativeType)
          Create a relative timer
static TimerType TimerType.createVariableTimer(java.lang.String variable)
          Create a variable timer
 TimerType Timer.getTimerType()
          Gets the timer type

Methods in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core with parameters of type TimerType
 void Timer.setTimerType(TimerType timerType)
          Sets the timer type

Constructors in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core with parameters of type TimerType
Timer(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String busName, java.lang.String desc, TimerType timerType)
          Creates a timer task.