Uses of Class

Packages that use InputSet

Uses of InputSet in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core

Methods in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core that return InputSet
 InputSet GroupSet.getInputSet()
          Get InputSet object

Methods in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core with parameters of type InputSet
 Transformation TransformationContext.createTransform(int type, java.lang.String transformName, InputSet masterInputSet)
          Get a transformation object for a given TransformationContext object type and master input set
 Transformation TransformationContext.createTransform(int type, java.lang.String transformName, java.lang.String instName, InputSet masterInputSet)
          Get a transformation object for a given TransformationContext object type and master input set
 OutputSet TransformHelper.expression(InputSet inSet, TransformField transformField, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the expression transformation on a InputSet by adding a TransformField.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.filter(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String filterExpr, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the filter transformation using an expression on a InputSet
 OutputSet TransformHelper.inputTransform(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the input transformation using an expression on a InputSet
 OutputSet TransformHelper.join(java.util.Vector vDetailInputSets, InputSet masterInputSet, java.lang.String joinCnd, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the joiner transformation on a collection of Detail InputSet's using a given InputSet as a master.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.join(java.util.Vector vDetailInputSets, InputSet masterInputSet, java.lang.String joinCnd, TransformationProperties properties, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the joiner transformation on a collection of Detail InputSet's using a given InputSet as a master.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.lookup(InputSet inputSetObj, SourceTarget sourceTgtObj, java.lang.String condition, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the lookup transformation on a InputSet using fields from a source for a set of conditions specified as a Lookup condition
 OutputSet TransformHelper.outputTransform(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the output transformation using an expression on a InputSet
 OutputSet TransformHelper.rank(InputSet inputSetObj, int rank, java.lang.String rankPort, java.lang.String[] groupBy, java.lang.String name)
          This method creates a Rank Transformation using an InputSet without specifying a transformation field and using default rank order i.e TOP.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.rank(InputSet inputSetObj, int rank, java.lang.String rankPort, java.lang.String[] groupBy, java.lang.String name, boolean top, java.util.Vector vTransformField)
          This method creates a Rank Transformation using a given set of transformation field and rank order.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.rank(InputSet inputSetObj, int rank, java.lang.String rankPort, java.lang.String[] groupBy, java.lang.String name, boolean top, java.util.Vector vTransformField, TransformationProperties properties)
          This method creates a Rank Transformation using a given set of transformation properties, transformation field and rank order.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.rank(InputSet inputSetObj, int rank, java.lang.String rankPort, java.lang.String[] groupBy, java.lang.String name, TransformField transformField)
          This method creates a Rank Transformation using a transformation field and rank order.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.router(InputSet inputSet, TransformGroup transGroup, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the Router transformation on an InputSet along with TransformGroup
 OutputSet TransformHelper.router(InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransGroup, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the Router transformation on a InputSet along with collection of TransformGroup objects
 OutputSet TransformHelper.router(InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransGroup, java.lang.String name, TransformationProperties properties)
          Apply the Router transformation on InputSet along with collection of TransformGroup objects
 void GroupSet.setInputSet(InputSet inpset)
          Set InputSet object
 OutputSet TransformHelper.sorter(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String[] sorterPort, boolean[] ascending, java.lang.String name)
          This method creates a Sorter Transformation using an InputSet as input an array of sorting port and the sort direction.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.sorter(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String[] sorterPort, boolean[] ascending, java.lang.String name, TransformationProperties properties, java.util.Vector vTransformField)
          This method creates a Sorter Transformation using an InputSet as Input an array of sorting port and the sort direction, a new transformafield and a set of TransformationProperties.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.sorter(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String[] sorterPort, boolean[] ascending, java.lang.String name, TransformField transformField)
          This method creates a Sorter Transformation using an InputSet as Input an array of sorting port and the sort direction and a new transformafield.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.sorter(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String sorterPort, boolean ascending, java.lang.String name)
          This method creates a Sorter Transformation using an InputSet as input a sorting port and the sort direction.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.sqlTransformation(InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransformFields, boolean isQueryMode, int DBType, boolean isStaticConnection, boolean isConnectionObjectProvided, java.lang.String name, TransformationProperties prop)
          Creates a SQL transformation depending on the arguments passed.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.storedProc(InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransformFields, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String procName)
          Apply the Stored Procedure transformation on an InputSet by adding a collection of TransformFields and giving the Stored Proc Name.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.storedProc(InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransformFields, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String procName, TransformationProperties properties)
          Apply the Stored Procedure transformation on an InputSet by adding a collection of TransformFields and giving the Stored Proc Name and setting the properties.The InputSet of the Stored Procedure must match the Input Parameters of the Stored procedure.
 OutputSet TransformHelper.transactionControl(InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransformFields, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String condition, TransformationProperties properties)
          Apply the Transaction Control transformation on a collection of InputSets by adding a collection of TransformFields and TransformationProperties
 OutputSet TransformHelper.union(InputSet inputSetObj, RowSet groupFieldSet, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the union transformation on a single InputSet and along with group field RowSet.
protected  void TransformationContext.UpdatePortDef(InputSet inSet, int type, java.lang.String instName)
          Update the PortDef with a InputSet, type and transformation instance name
 OutputSet TransformHelper.updateStrategy(InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String strategyExpr, java.lang.String name)
          Apply the Update Strategy transformation using an expression on a InputSet
 OutputSet Mapping.writeTarget(InputSet inputSetObj, Target targetObj)
          Create a target rowset object for a InputSet and Target object

Constructors in com.informatica.powercenter.sdk.mapfwk.core with parameters of type InputSet
GroupSet(InputSet inpset, java.lang.String name, int groupType)
          Initialize the object with InputSet, Group name and Group type
GroupSet(InputSet inpset, java.util.Vector vfield, java.lang.String name, int groupType)
          Initialize the object with InputSet, Output fields, Group name and Group type
JoinerTransformation(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String busName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String instName, Mapping mapping, java.util.Vector vDetailInputSets, InputSet masterInputSet, java.lang.String joinCnd, TransformationProperties props)
RankTransformation(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String busName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String instName, Mapping mapping, InputSet vInputSets, int rank, java.lang.String rankPort, java.lang.String[] groupBy, boolean top, java.util.Vector vTransformFields, TransformationProperties props)
          Constructor for Rank Transformation
SorterTransformation(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String busName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String instName, Mapping mapping, InputSet inputSetObj, java.lang.String[] sorterPort, boolean[] ascending, TransformationProperties properties, java.util.Vector vTransformField)
StoredProcTransformation(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String busName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String instName, Mapping mapping, InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransformFields, TransformationProperties properties)
          Constructor for Stored Procedure Transformation
TransactionControlTransformation(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String busName, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String instName, Mapping mapping, InputSet inputSet, java.util.Vector vTransformFields, java.lang.String condition, TransformationProperties properties)
          Constructor for Transaction Control Transformation
TransformationContext(InputSet inputSetObj)
          Initialize the object with InputSet