Dashboard and Analytics servers

Card Puncher Data Processing


BusinessObjects Enterprise integrates specialized analytic engine services to support :

  • dashboard,
  • scorecard
  • and analytic products.

Each of these services can be configured separately.

PM Metrics Server

This Dashboard and Analytics server process used to create and populate metrics created using the Metric Engine.

PM Repository Server

This Dashboard and Analytics server process used to store/read the performance manager specific system information from the PM repository.

PM Rules Server

This server process is used to create rules and alerts. Rules and alerts automate the process of detecting and interpreting change, and delivering relevant analysis. Rules enable you to proactively monitor your business and to take appropriate and timely action in response to specific events.

Dashboard Server

This server process is used by the dashboard builder component to create and manipulate both corporate and personal dashboards. Business Objects Dashboard Builder offers metric, alerting, and dashboard management capabilities to help organizations monitor and understand their business activities.

Dashboard Analytics Server

This server process is used by the dashboard builder component to create and manipute both corporate and personal dashboard analytic contents.

Predictive Analysis Server

This server process is used for Predictive Analysis (Data Mining) using KXEN engine which quickly uncovers key business drivers from your data and forecasts future business conditions. It helps users make proactive decisions more easily by providing insight in familiar terms through dashboards across the organization.

Process Analysis Server

This server process is used for process analysis which enables organizations to automate the tracking of multiple quality variables throughout the enterprise using industry standard alarm rules and control chart types in support of quality improvement initiatives.

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Card Puncher Data Processing
BOBJ - Dashboard and Analytics

Also known as : Performance Manager. Xcelsius
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