React - React-Snapshot


react-snapshot is not really a framework but a zero-configuration static pre-renderer running after the build of a Create React App

Apache htaccess

See React - Deploy

Documentation / Reference

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React - Deployment - Routing for client side router

With client side router, a direct HTTP call will failed if you are not using some routing features (such as ) For a create-react-app React application, all URL must be redirected to the index.html...
React - Framework

A react framework is a library that is based on react adding other capabilities. Most of the time, they are web based server framework, adding routing and other web capabilities. They create a single...
Web - Prerendering / Snapshoting (Dynamic to Static Web Site Generation)

Prerendering is a web static generator method that will take a dynamic website and turn it into a static web application. You then: don't need a server. improve the page load The website (called...

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