Javascript - Object


object in javascript

An object is a data type in Javascript.

An object follows a json data structure with key that holds property value. The value may be of a variable or a function

In JavaScript, a function is an object. As the scope in Javascript is function based, an object represents also a scope (see the this variable)

The object inheritance follows the prototypical model.


With Function

A function is also an object and can be a property of an object.

function Person(firstName, lastName, age) {
  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.lastName = lastName;
  this.age = age;

// New family object
var family = {};
family.mother = new Person("Nico", "Gerard", 41);
family.father = new Person("Madelief", "Gerard", 9);
family.daughter = new Person("Melissa", "Gerard", 6);
family.son = new Person("Rixt", "Van Der Veen", 8);




Objects can be initialized using:

Constructor (new)

function myObject(arg){
   this.prop1 = arg;
   this.prop2 = arg + arg;
   this.prop3 = arg.toUpperCase;

var obj1 = new myObject("foo");
console.log("An object obj1 was created with the following structure:");

More, see Javascript - Object Constructor

Syntax / Literal Notation

A object with two fields (What is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)?). All initializations are equivalent

point = {x:3,y:2}
point.x = 3
point.y = 2
  • Other access pattern
point["x"] = 3
point["y"] = 2

An object in Javascript has the same syntax than the What is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)? format. Curly brackets {} indicate then an object.


var computer = {
    os: "windows",
    memoryGb:  4,
    color: "blue",   /* A property name must not begin with a number */
    bit64: true


Key: Property


type (instanceof)

To check the type of an object, you can use the instanceof operator

Type definition

With typescript.

How to define a general data object?

const properties: { [key: string]: any } = {};
// or
const properties: { [key: string]: object | object[] } = {};

Function Argument

For an object passed as a function argument For the function:

let myfunction = ({ name, age }){ ...} 
  • Inline: if the object is used a a function parameter
let myfunction = ({ name, age }: {name: string, age: number})
type Person {
  name: string
  age: number
let myfunction = ({ name, age }: Person)

Copy / Clone


Spread syntax.

As this is not implemented on all browsers, you may need to use a transpiler. The below code works with babel.

var user = { name: "Name" };
var userExtend = {...user, age: 44};

Copy with Jquery Extend

var foo = { a: "a" };

// One time property copying
var bar = $.extend({}, foo);
bar.b = "b";



With delegation (Prototype)

prototype Delegation

var foo = { a: "a" };

// bar is a new object where foo is its prototype
var bar = Object.create(foo);
console.log("bar got the property of its prototype: "+bar.a);
if ("a" in bar) {
    console.log("a is seen as a property of bar");

console.log("bar got also the new properties of its prototype: Example with b: "+bar.b);
if ("b" in bar) {
    console.log("b is also seen as a property of bar");


Jquery Extend


  • Default behavior: The value of the extended object is overwritten
obj1 = { color: "blue" };
obj2 = { color: "red", length: 10 };
jQuery.extend(obj1, obj2);
  • Getting a new object without modifying the passed object
obj1 = { color: "blue" };
obj2 = { color: "red", length: 10 };
obj3 = $.extend({}, obj1, obj2);
console.log("Obj1 value is ")
console.log("Obj3 value is ");

Xtend - Node - Library

var extend = require("xtend")
// extend returns a new object. Does not mutate arguments
var combination = extend({
    a: "a",
    b: 'c'
}, {
    b: "b"
// { a: "a", b: "b" }

Object.assign (ES6)

All objects get merged into the first object. See en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign

obj1 = { color: "blue" };
obj2 = { color: "red", length: 10 };
obj3 = { name: "TheName" };
Object.assign(obj1, obj2, obj3);
console.log("Obj1 value is ")

Merge with the spread operator

Merge with the spread operator

obj1 = { color: "blue" };
obj2 = { color: "red", length: 10 };
obj3 = { name: "TheName" };
console.log('With Spread');
console.log({...obj1, ...obj2, ...obj3});


How to check the equality of 2 values in Javascript? (If they are the same)

Serialization / Deserialization

Language - Serialization/Deserialization (Data Storage Structure) - Encoding/Decoding - Codec

Example from object to string to object:

  • Creating an object
class Color {
   constructor(name){ = name;
var blue = new Color("blue");
  • Serialization
blueString = JSON.stringify(blue);
  • Deserialization (To modify a string in another type (such as date), you would use a third function as a parameter called a reviver).
var obj = JSON.parse(blueString);
var blueObj = Object.assign(new Color(), obj);
console.log("I have a beautiful "+blueObj.getName()+" color");

Serialization and deserialization of object are used to:


See Javascript Object - Schema


For loop

You can loop over the property key.


var person = {name: "foo", length: 180};

for (let prop in person) {
    console.log(prop + " : " + person[prop]);

More example on the page: Javascript - For Statement

Foreach loop

const person = {name: "foo", length: 180};

Object.keys(person ).map((key) => {
  console.log(key+ " : " + person[key]);

More example on the page: Javascript - foreach instruction

Documentation / Reference

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