DOM - Event Object (Callback function parameter)

Devtool Chrome Event Listener


A event callback function may have a parameter specified with a name such as event, evt, or simply e. This is the event object, and it is automatically passed to the callback function to provide extra features and information.

The target property of the event object is always a reference to the element that the event has just occurred upon.


The target attribute of an object event represents the element where the event was fired.


var btn = document.querySelector('button');

function bgChange(e) {
  var rndCol = 'rgb(' + Math.round(Math.random()*255) + ',' + Math.round(Math.random()*255) + ',' +Math.round(Math.random()*255) + ')'; = rndCol;

btn.addEventListener('click', bgChange);
<button class="btn btn-info">Poke me</button>


HTML - Data attributes

document.body.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
    if ( {
        console.log('The target element has a data-echo attribute. Hello '' !')
    } else {
       console.log('The target element has NOT a data-echo attribute')
<div data-echo="nico">Click Me to Hello Nico</div>
<div >Click Me to see that there is no data attribute</div>

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