
D3 adopts the W3C Selectors API to identify document elements for selection.

Any number of operators can be applied to selected elements. These operators wrap the W3C DOM API, setting:

  • attributes (attr),
  • styles (style),
  • properties (property),
  • HTML (html)
  • and text (text) content.

D3’s selection operators such as attr, style and property allow to specify the value either as:

  • a constant (the same for all selected elements)
  • or a function (computed separately for each element).

Since each selection is simply an array, elements can also be accessed directly (e.g., [0]).

If you’re using a DOM framework like React, you probably don’t need selections (if you don’t need transitions)

Nested / Hierarchy Selection


  • .each allows a function to be called on each element of a selection
  • .call allows a function to be called on the selection itself.

Documentation / Reference