Oracle VM VirtualBox


headless system: a host without GUI? Without GUI to use less CPU and memory.

VirtualBox extension packages have a .vbox-extpack file name extension. To install an extension, simply double-click on the package file and a Network Operations Manager window will appear, guiding you through the required steps. Otherwise:

Virtualbox Extension Pack Installation

Directory Structure

Data type:

  • export: for machine export
  • import: for machine import
  • iso: for iso file
  • shared folder: shared folder on the host with the guest
  • vbox: the boxes


  • UUID is the internal unique identifier that VirtualBox uses to refer to the virtual machine.
  • the VM name

to have all currently registered VMs listed with all their settings, including their respective names and UUIDs.

VBoxManage list vms
"sparkvm" {1544256f-0098-43b4-b6d7-4dc738293b22}
"Oracle DB Developer VM" {3b173d95-9498-4ce4-805b-a79d1165ebd5}
"SampleAppv511p" {0a9bd0ab-2bdc-4c93-8de6-a474923c1a43}
"spark" {f5b8c0cb-c4f4-4be9-bbe5-03d7637c4008}
"default" {db3ee838-dff3-4393-9dea-6d35ca4472f1}
"RHEL Server 7.2" {0469980a-9763-4615-b2a3-2622d63e11b7}


vboxmanage is the command line client.

Task Runner