Management - Failure / Risk

Card Puncher Data Processing


Same as Soft skill - (Mistake|Fault|Error) ?

You overcome failure through grit.

It is possible to avoid failure, to always be safe. But that is also the route to a dull, uninteresting life.

You need the willingness to fail all the time.

John Backus

To develop working ideas efficiently, I try to fail as fast as I can.

It’s only through failure that we learn what doesn’t work and what might work instead. This is basically the scientific method in a nutshell. It’s designed to rule out what isn’t true, not to determine what is true.

Learning from failure

In WWII statisticians analyzed every plane returning from battle. They marked bullet holes to identify where to reinforce the plane. Where would you reinforce it? Do you learn more from successes or failures?

Plane Ww2


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