Language - Vbs

Card Puncher Data Processing


Vbs is a scripting language.

Its interpreter is Windows - Script Host (WSH) that you will also found in Internet Explorer. See Html script


In the repository of OBIEE (OracleBI_HOME\server\Bin), you can find this good script to get information on a server.

' Copyright (c) 2001, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
' File: DiagCap.vbs
' Created: 6/1/2003
' Purpose: 	This script is used for capturing diagnostic information of system
' 			where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10.1.3 is installed.
' 			The result of the script should be sent to Oracle technical support
' 			when reporting errors with the Oracle BI Server.
'			The script is tested under WSH 5.6 and also WMI 1.5 on Windows 2000
' History:  
Option Explicit

' Declare the Global objects
Dim Arguments, computerName, currentOS
Dim FSO,Shell,InfoLogFile,SAInfoName
Dim DestDir

' Drive / Folder Name that we will access
Dim strProgramDir, strServerDir, strDataDir, SystemRootDir

' FileName for Informations
Dim SysInfoFileName, SysEnvName, saRegFileName, SARootDriveLog, SADataDriveLog, ipconfigFileName, OdbcFileName, OdbcInstFileName, InfoOutput, InfoOutputFileName, SARpdFile
Dim EvtAppLogName, EvtSysLogName
Dim DDFFileName, DestCabName, CabOutName, CabInfFileName, CabRptFileName, CabDirectory
Dim nowStr

' FileName for BI Server Specific
Dim NonSAFiles  		'Array of Non SAFiles

' Options for calling some subroutines alternatively
Dim ExecOptions
Dim BoolOptions(9)
Dim DefaultExecOptions 
DefaultExecOptions = "111111111"
Dim boolDefaultRepository 
boolDefaultRepository = false
Dim DefaultRepository 
DefaultRepository= "SiebelAnalytics.rpd" 
' Utility Programs that is used for getting information

'Consts used in the program
const OSProductKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentBuildNumber"
const SAProgramDirKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Siebel Systems, Inc.\Siebel Analytics\Common\7.7\ProgramDir"
const SARootReg	 	  = """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Siebel Systems, Inc.\Siebel Analytics"""
const SAProgramDirEnvVar  = "%SAROOTDIR%"
const SADataDirEnvVar     = "%SADATADIR%"

'Initialize the global Objects

Set Arguments = Wscript.Arguments
Set Shell     = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set FSO       = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Script Main
	call VerifyScriptMode
	call ValidateScriptVersion

	call VerifyArguments
	call InitializeVars		
	call ValidateSARoot	
	'call ValidateUtility
	Log "--------------------------------------"
	Log " Gather Information for your Machine: " 
	Log "--------------------------------------"
	Log " "
	Log " "
	call ComputeOptionsMask
	Dim OptionsIndex
	Dim OptionIndex
	OptionIndex = 0
	If (BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1) Then
		call GetSysInfo 
	End If 
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If (BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1) Then
		call GetSysEnvInfo
	End If 
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If (BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1 ) Then
		call GetRegInfo	
	End If 
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If (BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1 ) Then
		call GetNetInfo
	End If 
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1 and bWMIService = "Y" Then
			call GetEvt (EvtAppLogName, "Application")
	End If 
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1 and bWMIService = "Y" Then
			call GetEvt (EvtSysLogName, "System")
	End If 
	Log "-----------------------------------------"
	Log " Gather Information of Oracle BI Server: " 
	Log "-----------------------------------------"
	Log " "
	Log " "
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1 Then
		call GetSARootInfo
	End If 
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If (BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1 ) 	Then
		call GetConfigAndLogs
	End If 
	Log "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
	Log " Gather Information of Server Repository, This can take for a while " 
	Log "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
	Log " "
	Log " "
	OptionIndex = OptionIndex + 1 
	If (BoolOptions(OptionIndex) = 1 ) 	Then
		call GetRepository	
	End If 
	Log "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
	Log " Packaging up, this can take for a while                            " 
	Log "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
	Log " "
	Log " "
	call PackageUp
	Wscript.Echo ""	
	call MyQuit(0)
' End Of Script Main

' Verfiy that script is invoked by cscript.exe
Function VerifyScriptMode()
	Dim BtnCode 
	' We need to run the script in interactive mode
	If Wscript.Interactive = False Then
		Wscript.Interactive = True	
	End If
	If LCase(FSO.GetFileName(Wscript.FullName)) <>  "cscript.exe"  Then
		BtnCode=Shell.Popup("Please run the script by cscript.exe " & Wscript.ScriptName & " -d Target Directory " ,7, "WARNING!",0+64)
		Select Case BtnCode
	   		case 1      Wscript.Quit(1)   		
	   		case -1     Wscript.Quit(1)
	   	End Select
	End If 
	'Wscript.Echo ""
	'Wscript.Echo " ******************** W A R N I N G ***********************************"	
	'Wscript.Echo " *   You will need to be the administrator to access the information. *"	
	'Wscript.Echo " *   Press Ctrl-C to stop the script if you are not the administrator.*"	
	'Wscript.Echo " *   Press enter to continue                                          *"
	'Wscript.Echo " ******************** W A R N I N G ***********************************"	
	'Wscript.Echo ""
	'Do While Not Wscript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
	'	Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine		 				
	'	Exit Do	
End Function
' Verify the script's input arguments
Function VerifyArguments()
	Dim bContinue	
	Dim bValidArg
	bValidArg = False
	If ( Arguments.Count = 0 ) Then
		 Wscript.Echo ""
		 Wscript.Echo " **************** W A R N I N G ***************"
		 Wscript.Echo " *                                            *"
		 Wscript.Echo " *    No destination  folder specified.       *"		
		 Wscript.Echo " *                                            *"	
		 Wscript.Echo " ***************** W A R N I N G **************"
		 Wscript.Echo ""		 

		Dim iArg
		iArg = 0
		 For iArg = 0 To Arguments.Count - 1
		 	 'Wscript.Echo "Current argument " & iArg & " value : " & Arguments(iArg)
		 	 If Arguments(iArg) = "-h" Or Arguments(iArg) = "-help"  Then
		 	 	call Usage()
		 	 	call MyQuit(1)
		 	 ElseIf Left(Arguments(iArg), 1) = "-" and (iArg + 1) < Arguments.Count Then
		 	  	 Select Case Arguments(iArg)			 	 
				 	Case "-d" 				 	 
				 	bValidArg = True
				 		DestDir = Arguments( iArg + 1 )
						If FSO.FolderExists(DestDir) Then						    						    
						    If (FSO.GetFolder(DestDir).files.Count <> 0 ) Then						    							    	
						    	DestDir = DestDir & FormatCurrentDate
						    	Wscript.Echo "** Created Folder " & DestDir & " to store information gathered"
						    End If						    
							Dim destFolder
							set destFolder = FSO.CreateFolder(DestDir)
		 					Wscript.Echo "Created Folder Path " & destFolder.Path
					    	End If
					destDir = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(destDir)
					iArg = iArg + 1			 
					 case "-o"					 	
					 		ExecOptions = Arguments( iArg + 1 )
					 		if ExecOptions = "" or Len(ExecOptions) <> 9 Then
					 		'Put Default Execoptions
					 			ExecOptions= DefaultExecOptions
					 		End If					 		
					 	iArg = iArg + 1	
					 Case "-r" 
					 		DefaultRepository = Arguments(iArg + 1 )
					 		if DefaultRepository <> "" Then
					 			Wscript.Echo "Default Repository set to " & DefaultRepository
					 			boolDefaultRepository = true
					 			Wscript.Echo "Default Repository set to false"  	
					 			boolDefaultRepository = false
					 		End If
					 	iArg = iArg + 1	
				 End Select				 
			 	Wscript.Echo ""
			 	Wscript.Echo " Invalid argument is specified: " & Arguments(iArg)
			 	call Usage()
			 	call MyQuit(1)
			 End If
	End If		
	If bValidArg = False Then
		Call Usage()
		Call MyQuit(1)		
	End If
	If Right(DestDir,1) <> "\" Then
		DestDir = DestDir & "\"
	End If		
End Function

Function InitializeVars()

	'Programs that we need from OS
	Dim OSBuild
	OSBuild  = Replace(Trim(Shell.RegRead(OSProductKey)),",","")	
	Select Case OSBuild
		Case "1381"
			currentOS = "Windows_NT"
			WINMSD    = "winmsd.exe"
		Case "2195"
			currentOS = "Windows_2000"
			WINMSD    = "msinfo32.exe"
		Case "2600"
			currentOS = "Windows_XP"
			WINMSD    = "msinfo32.exe"
		Case "3790"
			currentOS = "Windows_2003"
			WINMSD    = "msinfo32.exe"
		Case Else
			currentOS = "Windows_Unknown"
			WINMSD    = "msinfo32.exe"
	End Select
	SystemRootDir = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%")
	MAKECAB 	= SystemRootDir  & "\system32\makecab.exe"
	REGEDIT 	= SystemRootDir  & "\regedit.exe"
	IPCONFIG 	= SystemRootDir  & "\system32\ipconfig.exe"
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim strComputer 
	strComputer = "."
	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
	If  err.Number <> 0 Then	
		Wscript.Echo " ********************* W A R N I N G ****************************"
		Wscript.Echo " One utility program is missing. "
		Wscript.Echo " Please download Windows Management Instrument 1.5 from the following URL: "
		Wscript.Echo ""
		Wscript.Echo "      en&FamilyID=C174CFB1-EF67-471D-9277-4C2B1014A31E"
		Wscript.Echo " You might not be able to collect the system information"
		Wscript.Echo " and event logs if you continue to run the script."
		Wscript.Echo " ********************* W A R N I N G *****************************"
		bWMIService = "N"
		bWMIService  = "Y"
	End If
	On Error Goto 0
	computerName = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ComputerName%")
	SAInfoName = computerName
	SysInfoFileName  	=  DestDir & "SystemInfo.txt"
	SysEnvName	 	 	=  DestDir & "SysEnv.txt"
	SARootDriveLog 	 	=  DestDir & "SARootDrive.log"
	SADataDriveLog 	 	=  DestDir & "SADataDrive.log"
	IpconfigFileName 	=  DestDir & "Ipconfig.txt"
	saRegFileName    	=  DestDir & "sa.reg__"
	OdbcFileName	 	=  DestDir & "odbcini.reg__"
	OdbcInstFileName 	=  DestDir & "odbcinst.reg__"
	EvtAppLogName	 	=  DestDir & "AppEvt.log"
	EvtSysLogName	 	=  DestDir & "SysEvt.log"	
	DDFFileName         =  DestDir & "MakeCab" & ".ddf"
	CabRptFileName      =  DestDir & "MakeCab" & ".rpt"
	CabInfFileName	    =  DestDir & "MakeCab" & ".inf"	
	CabOutName	    	=  DestDir & "MakeCab.log"		
	NonSAFiles 	     	=  Array(SysInfoFileName, SysEnvName, SARootDriveLog, SADataDriveLog, IpconfigFileName, saRegFileName, OdbcFileName, OdbcInstFileName,EvtAppLogName, EvtSysLogName)
	Dim nowMonth, nowDay, nowYear
	nowMonth = Month (Now()) 
	nowDay   = Day   (Now())
	nowYear  = Year  (Now())
	If Len(nowMonth) = 1  Then
		nowMonth = "0" & nowMonth
	End If
	If Len(nowDay) = 1  Then
		nowDay = "0" & nowDay
	End If

	If Len(nowYear) = 1  Then
		nowYear = "0" & nowYear
	End If
	nowStr	 = nowYear  & "_" & nowMonth & "_" & nowDay 
	InfoOutputFileName  = Wscript.ScriptName & ".log"
	InfoOutput          = DestDir & InfoOutputFilename						
	DestCabName         = SAInfoName & "_" & nowStr & "_*.cab"
	CabDirectory        = DestDir
	On Error Resume Next
		Set infoLogFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(InfoOutput, true)
		If (err) Then
			Wscript.Echo "Error creating the file " & infoOutput & ", reason is " & err.Description
			call MyQuit (1) 		
		End If 

		If Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(SAProgramDirEnvVar) <> SAProgramDirEnvVar Then
			strProgramDir = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(SAProgramDirEnvVar)
			strProgramDir = Shell.RegRead(SAProgramDirKey)
			If (err) Then
				Log "Environment variable " & SAProgramDirEnvVar & " does not exist"
				Log "Error occurred while reading registry key: " & SAProgramDirKey & ", reason is " & err.Description
			End If
		End If

		If Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(SADataDirEnvVar) <> SADataDirEnvVar Then
			strDataDir = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(SADataDirEnvVar)
		End If

	On Error Goto 0

	If fso.FolderExists(strProgramDir & "\server") Then
		strServerDir = strProgramDir & "\server"
		strServerDir = strProgramDir
	End If

End Function	
' SysInfo Sub

Sub GetSysInfo()
	If currentOS = "Windows_NT" Then
		Wscript.sleep 10
		cmd ( "start /wait " & WINMSD & " /a /f " )
		cmd ( "copy " & computerName & ".TXT " & SysInfoFileName )
	ElseIf currentOS = "Windows_XP" Then
		Wscript.Echo ""
		Wscript.Echo "Gathering data from Microsoft System Information..."
		Wscript.Echo "If you encounter an ""Invalid command line option specified"" error,"
		Wscript.Echo "please select File > Save in Microsoft System Information"
		Wscript.Echo "then close Microsoft System Information."
		Wscript.sleep 2000
		cmd ( "start /wait " & WINMSD & " /categories +SWEnv+SystemSummary+ComponentsStorage /report " & SysInfoFileName)
		If Not fso.FileExists(SysInfoFileName) Then
			cmd ( "copy " & SystemRootDir  & "\MSINFO32.TXT " & SysInfoFileName )
		End If
 		cmd ( "start /wait " & WINMSD & " /categories +SWEnv+SystemSummary+ComponentsStorage /report " & SysInfoFileName)
 	End If
End Sub

' Dump the System Environment Info

Sub GetSysEnvInfo()
On Error Resume Next
	Dim colItems, envFile, strComputer, objItem			
	strComputer = "."	
	set envFile = fso.OpenTextFile (SysEnvName, 8, true)
	If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
	      	Log " Error occurred while opening the file " & SysEnvName & ". Reason is : " & err.Description
	      	On Error Goto 0
	  		Exit Sub    	
	End If 
	If objWMIService <> nothing	Then
		Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Environment where SystemVariable = True")
		envFile.WriteLine ""
		envFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
		envFile.WriteLine "*              System Environment Variables             *"		
		envFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
		envFile.WriteLine ""
		For Each objItem in colItems
		    envFile.Write objItem.Description & vbtab & vbtab & vbtab & " = " 
		    envFile.Write objItem.VariableValue
		    envFile.WriteLine ""
	End If
	envFile.WriteLine ""
	envFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
	envFile.WriteLine "*              All Environment Variables                *"		
	envFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
	envFile.WriteLine ""
	cmd ("set >> " & SysEnvName )	
	set envFile = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
' Registry Info Sub

Sub GetRegInfo()
	 If true <>  FSO.FileExists(REGEDIT) Then  
	   Log " One utility program is missing, Please make sure you have the following program in place " & REGEDIT
	   Exit Sub
	 End If  	
  	cmd (REGEDIT & " /e " & SaRegFileName & " " & SARootReg  )
  	cmd (REGEDIT & " /e " & ODBCFileName  & " " & ODBCINIKey )	
	cmd (REGEDIT & " /e " & OdbcInstFileName  &  " " & ODBCINSTKey  )
	'Log ""
End Sub

' Net Info Sub

Sub GetNetInfo()

	If true <> FSO.FileExists(IPCONFIG)  Then 
		Log " One utility program is missing, Please make sure you have the following program in place " & IPCONFIG
	    Exit Sub
	End If 
	cmd (IPCONFIG & " /all > " & IpConfigFileName )

End Sub
' Get the System or Application Event Logs
Sub GetEvt(filename, eventType)

	Dim LogFile, objItem, colItems, dataItem, strComputer
	strComputer = "."
	set LogFile 		= FSO.CreateTextFile(fileName, True)				
	Set colItems 		= objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where LogFile = '" & eventType & "'",,48)	
	On Error Resume Next
	For Each objItem in colItems
		LogFile.WriteLine "RecordNumber:    " & vbtab & objItem.RecordNumber 
		LogFile.WriteLine "TimeGenerated:   " & vbtab & FormatDMTFDate(objItem.TimeGenerated)
	    LogFile.WriteLine "TimeWritten:     " & vbtab & FormatDMTFDate(objItem.TimeWritten)
	    LogFile.WriteLine "Source:          " & vbtab & objItem.SourceName 	    
	    LogFile.WriteLine "Category:        " & vbtab & objItem.CategoryString 	    
	    LogFile.WriteLine "EventCode:       " & vbtab & objItem.EventCode 	    	    	    
	    LogFile.WriteLine "Type:            " & vbtab & objItem.Type 
	    LogFile.WriteLine "Event Identifier:" & vbtab & Right(("0000" & objItem.EventIdentifier), 4)
	    LogFile.WriteLine "User:            " & vbtab & objItem.User 
	    LogFile.WriteLine "Computer:        " & vbtab & objItem.ComputerName     	    
	    LogFile.WriteLine "Message:         " & vbtab & objItem.Message 
	    If IsArray(objItem.InsertionStrings) Then        
	        LogFile.WriteLine  "Insertion Strings:  " 
			Dim i
			i = 0 
	        For Each dataItem In objItem.InsertionStrings            
	            LogFile.WriteLine  "[" & i &"] " & dataItem & vbLf
	            i = i + 1
	    End If	    
	    If IsArray(objItem.Data) Then
			Dim j
			Dim ascBuf
			Dim ascConverted
			Dim dataUBound
			dataUBound = UBound(objItem.Data)
			j = 0 
		    LogFile.WriteLine  "Data:              "	    
		    For Each dataItem In objItem.Data     		                   
			    If j mod 16 = 0 Then	    	    
				LogFile.Write Right(("00000000" & hex(j)), 8)			
				LogFile.Write "     "
			    End If
		        LogFile.Write  Right(("00" & Hex(dataItem)), 2) & " "            
		        If dataItem < 32 or dataItem > 126 Then
		            	ascConverted = "." 
				End If             	
		        ascBuf = ascBuf & ascConverted            
		        If j mod 16 = 15 Then	    	
		        	logFile.Write     vbtab
			    	LogFile.WriteLine ascBuf
			    ElseIf j = dataUBound Then
			    	LogFile.Write Left("                                                ", 3 * ( 16 - (j mod 16 ) - 1 ))		    	
			    	ascBuf = Left( (ascBuf & "                "), 16 ) 	    		    	
			    	logFile.Write  vbtab
			    	LogFile.WriteLine ascBuf
			    	Exit For
			    End If	        
	    End If
	On Error Goto 0
	Set colItems 		= Nothing
	Set LogFile 		= Nothing
End Sub

Function FormatDMTFDate(sDate)
	Dim regEx
    Set regEx = New RegExp
    regEx.Global = True
    regEx.Pattern = "(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})\.\d{6}([\+|\-])(\d{3})"
    FormatDMTFDate = regEx.Replace(sDate,"$2/$3/$1 $4:$5:$6")
    Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function

Function FormatCurrentDate
	Dim regEx
	Dim myCurrentDate 
	Dim myCurrentTime
	Dim Seperator 
	Seperator = "_"	
	myCurrentDate = Date
	myCurrentTime = Time 

	set regEx = new RegExp
	regEx.Global = True
	regEx.Pattern = "/"	
	FormatCurrentDate = regEx.Replace(myCurrentDate, Seperator)	
	FormatCurrentDate = FormatCurrentDate & Seperator & Hour(myCurrentTime) & Seperator & Minute(myCurrentTime) & Seperator & Second(myCurrentTime)
	Set regEx = Nothing
End Function
' Events Sub

Sub GetEvtEXE()
	EVTLOGDUMP = strProgramDir & "\\Bin\\" & "evtlogdump.exe"	
	If true <> FSO.FileExists(EVTLOGDUMP) Then
	 	Log " One utility program is missing, Please make sure you have the following program in place "& EVTLOGDUMP	 	
	 	Log ""
	    Exit Sub	    
	End If  

	'Log " Getting application events by " & EVTLOGDUMP
	'Log ""
	cmd ( EVTLOGDUMP & " " & computerName & " " & "Application > " & EvtAppLogName)
	'Log " Getting system events"
	'Log ""
	cmd (EVTLOGDUMP & " " & computerName & " " & "System > " & EvtSysLogName)

End Sub

' Get the Oracle BI Program Dir's Owner and Files info

Sub GetSARootInfo
	If currentOS <> "Windows_NT" Then
		cmd( "dir /q " & strProgramDir  & "\ > " & SARootDriveLog)
		If strDataDir <> "" Then
			cmd( "dir /q " & strDataDir  & "\ > " & SADataDriveLog)
		End If
	End If 
	cmd ("dir /s " & strProgramDir  & "\ >> " & SARootDriveLog)
	If strDataDir <> "" Then
		cmd ("dir /s " & strDataDir  & "\ >> " & SADataDriveLog)
	End If
End Sub

' Config and Logs Sub

Sub CopyAllFiles(copyFromDir, copyToDir, collisionPrefix)

	If fso.FolderExists(copyFromDir) Then
		Dim copyFromFolder, files, file, newFileName
		Set copyFromFolder = fso.GetFolder(copyFromDir)
		Set files = copyFromFolder.Files
		For Each file in files
			newFileName = file.Name
			If fso.FileExists(copyToDir & "\" & newFileName) Then
				newFileName = collisionPrefix & newFileName
			End If
			fso.CopyFile copyFromDir & "\" & file.Name, copyToDir & "\" & newFileName, false

			If Err.Number <> 0  Then
				Log " WARNING! Error copying " & file & ". " & err.Description
				Log ""
			End If
	End If
End Sub

Sub GetConfigAndLogs()
	On Error Resume Next

	CopyAllFiles strServerDir & "\Log", destDir, "server"
	CopyAllFiles strServerDir & "\Config", destDir, "server"

	If strDataDir <> "" Then
		CopyAllFiles strDataDir & "\web\log", destDir, "web"
		CopyAllFiles strDataDir & "\web\log\javahost", destDir, "javahost"
		CopyAllFiles strDataDir & "\web\config", destDir, "web"
		CopyAllFiles strDataDir & "\scheduler\config", destDir, "sch"
	End If

	On Error Goto 0		

End Sub

' Get the repository files
Sub GetRepository()
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim SARepDir 	
	Dim iNum
	Dim Choice
	Dim ChoiceNum
	Dim filesDict
	Dim fileItem
	set SARepDir = FSO.GetFolder( strServerDir & "\Repository")	
	If err.Number <> 0 Then
		Wscript.Echo " Err accessing repository directory: " & err.Description
		Exit Sub
	End If 
	set filesDict = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")	
	iNum = 0
	If boolDefaultRepository = true Then	
		SARpdFile = DefaultRepository
		For Each fileItem in SARepDir.Files	
			If fileItem.Type = "Siebel Analytics Repository File" or fileItem.Type = "Oracle BI Repository File" Then		
			   Wscript.Echo "  [" & iNum + 1& "] " &
			   filesDict.Add iNum + 1,
			   iNum = iNum + 1
			End If
		If (iNum > 0) Then	
			Wscript.Echo " "
			Wscript.StdOut.Write " There are total " & iNum & " repositories, Please choose one repository to send ==> "
			Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream			  			  
		  		Choice = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
		  		Exit Do  			   			 	
			ChoiceNum = Cint(Choice)								
			If ChoiceNum <= iNum and ChoiceNum > 0 Then
				Log  " "
				Log  " Your choice is " & Choice  & " - " & filesDict.Item(ChoiceNum)				
				Log "Invalid choice, no repository will be sent "			
				Log ""
				Exit Sub
			End If									
			SARpdFile = filesDict.Item(ChoiceNum)		
		End If
	End If
	fso.CopyFile strServerDir & "\Repository\" & SARpdFile, destDir, false		
	SARpdFile = destDir & SARpdFile
	If Err.Number <> 0  and fileItem <> "" Then 			
		Log ""
		Log " WARNING! error copying " & fileItem & " . The reason is : " & err.Description 
		Log " "
	End If		
	On Error Goto 0
End Sub

' Generate the Cab Files Sub
Sub PackageUp()

	If True <> FSO.FileExists(MAKECAB) Then
		 Log  ""
		 Log  " One utility program is missing, Please make sure you have the following program in place " & MAKECAB
		 Log  " Please zip up " & destDir & " and send the information to Oracle"		 
		 call MyQuit(1)
	End If 
	call PrintDDF
	If 1 = cmd (MAKECAB & " /f " & DDFFileName & " > " & CabOutName ) Then
		 call MyQuit(1)
	End If
	Dim cabRptFileStream, cabRptFile 
	If FSO.FileExists(CabRptFileName) Then					
		Log " "
		Log "========================================================" 
		Log " The report of compression and packing :                "
		Log "========================================================"
		Log " "
		set cabRptFileStream = fso.OpenTextFile (CabRptFileName, 1)
		Log cabRptFileStream.ReadAll		
		Log " "
		set cabRptFileStream = nothing
	End If
	Log ("")
	Log ("")
	Log ("====================================================================================================")
	Log (" Please send all the files under " & CabDirectory & " to your Oracle consultant / technical support..")
	Log ("====================================================================================================")
	Log ("")
End Sub

' Function: Log, this will echo to the Console also to the log file
Function Log(str)
	 infoLogFile.Write Cstr(Now()) & " "
	 infoLogFile.WriteLine str
	 Wscript.Echo str
End Function

' Function: Cmd, this will execute Command Line and wait for it to finish
Function Cmd(cmdline)
 ' Wrapper for getting StdOut from a console command
	 Dim sCmd
	 Dim exec
	 sCmd = "%COMSPEC% /c " & cmdline
	 'Set exec = Shell.Exec (sCmd)
  	 exec = Shell.Run(sCmd, 0, true)	
	 'Do While exec.Status = 0
	 '     WScript.Sleep 100
	 If exec <> 0  Then
	   Log " Warning! error executing command " & cmdline
	   Cmd = 1   
	   Cmd = 0
	 End If
	 Set sCmd = nothing
	 Set exec = nothing

End Function

' Function: Print DDF, This will generate the DDF file for MakeCab
Function PrintDDF()
On Error Resume Next
	Dim ddfFile
	Dim destDirObj
	Dim file, files
	If Fso.FileExists(DDFFileName) Then
	 Fso.DeleteFile DDFFileName
	End If
	'Log " Create DDF File for MakeCab : " & DDFFileName
	Set ddfFile = Fso.CreateTextFile(DDFFileName, true)
	If Err.Number <> 0  Then
	 Log "Can't create DDF File, please check If your filesystem If full, err description " & err.Description
	 MyQuit 1
	End If
	ddfFile.WriteLine ";*** Generating Directive File for MakeCab ***"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".OPTION EXPLICIT					; Generate errors on variable typos"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set CabinetNameTemplate=" & DestCabName
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set DestinationDir=" & destDir 
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set MaxDiskFileCount=1000   			; Limit file count per cabinet, so that"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set GenerateInf=On"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set InfFileName=" & CabInfFileName
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set RptFileName=" & CabRptFileName		
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=" & CabDirectory 
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set MaxCabinetSize=10000000	  			; scanning is not too slow"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set FolderSizeThreshold=1000000000		; So only one file per folder"	
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set CompressionType=MSZIP"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ";** All files are compressed in cabinet files"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set Cabinet=on"
	ddfFile.WriteLine ".Set Compress=on"

	set destDirObj = fso.GetFolder(destDir)
	set files = destDirObj.Files

	For Each file in files
		If file.Name <> InfoOutputFileName Then
			ddfFile.WriteLine file
		End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function

' Error Exit, Clean up the global objects
Function myQuit(exitCode)

	 On Error Resume Next
	 If exitCode = 0 Then
	 	call CleanUp		
	 End If	 
	 Set Shell = Nothing
	 Set FSO = Nothing
	 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
	   Log "Error when quitting"
	   Wscript.Sleep 100
	   WScript.Quit 1
	 End If 
	 Wscript.Quit exitCode
End Function

Sub  ValidateScriptVersion()
	 If ScriptEngineMajorVersion  < 2  Then
	  Wscript.Echo "Error executing script. This script requires Version 2"
	  call MyQuit(1)
	 End If 
	If ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 5 or ( ScriptEngineMajorVersion = 5 And ScriptEngineMinorVersion < 6 ) Then
	 Wscript.Echo " WARNING! The script has been tested under WSH 5.6."
	 Wscript.Echo " You script host version is " & ScriptEngineMajorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion
	 Wscript.Echo " There might be errors during runtime! "
	End If
End Sub

Sub ValidateSARoot()
	 If strProgramDir <>  ""  Then
	   'Log " Resolved Oracle BI Program Dir : " &  strProgramDir
	   Log  " Oracle BI is not installed in this machine!"
	   call MyQuit(1)
	 End If  
End Sub

Sub ValidateUtility()
	 If true <>  FSO.FileExists(REGEDIT) Then  
	   Log " One utility program is missing, Please make sure you have the following program in place " & REGEDIT
	   'call MyQuit(1)
	 End If
	 If true <> FSO.FileExists(IPCONFIG)  Then 
	 Log " One utility program is missing, Please make sure you have the following program in place " & IPCONFIG
	   'call MyQuit(1)
	 End If 
	 If true <> FSO.FileExists(EVTLOGDUMP) Then
	 	Log " One utility program is missing, Please make sure you have the following program in place "& EVTLOGDUMP
	 End If 
End Sub

Sub Usage()
	Wscript.Echo ""
	Wscript.Echo "Usage : "
	Wscript.Echo "        cscript.exe " &  Wscript.ScriptName & " -d OutputDirectory [-h]"
	Wscript.Echo ""
	Wscript.Echo "        OutputDirectory: The relative or absolute directory path that output information will be stored."
	Wscript.Echo "                          This directory must be empty. If the directory does not exist, the script will create a directory"
	Wscript.Echo ""		
	Wscript.Echo "        Please use cscript.exe to run the script in interactive mode"
End Sub

Sub CleanUp()
On Error Resume Next
	Dim destDirObj
	Dim file, files
	Dim tempDir

	set destDirObj = fso.GetFolder(destDir)
	set files = destDirObj.Files
	tempDir = destDir & "temp"

	fso.CreateFolder tempDir
	fso.MoveFile destDir & DestCabName, tempDir

	For Each file in files

	fso.MoveFile tempDir & "\" & DestCabName, destDir
	fso.DeleteFolder tempDir
On Error Goto 0	  
End Sub

Sub ComputeOptionsMask 

	Dim iOption
	if ExecOptions = "" or Len(ExecOptions) <> 9 Then
		ExecOptions = DefaultExecOptions
	End If		
	For iOption = 1 to 9
		if Mid(ExecOptions, iOption, 1) = 1 Then
			BoolOptions(iOption-1) = 1
			BoolOptions(iOption-1) = 0
		End If
	Log "Option executed: " & ExecOptions
End Sub    


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