Php - Soap

Card Puncher Data Processing


Web Service - Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) in Php


$context = stream_context_create([
            'ssl' => [
                'local_cert' => "ws/mypem.pem", // PEM encoded file path (relative to the working directory or absolute) which contains the certificate and private key. - If Bad Path => SoapFault : Could not connect to host
                'passphrase' => "secret", // If Bad => Could not connect to host
                'verify_peer' => false, // True = SoapFault : Could not connect to host in 5.6
                'verify_peer_name' => false

$this->_client = new SoapClient("wsdl/gdo.wsdl", // wsdl may be null (uri and location are then mandatory)
		// Stuff for development.
		'trace' => 1,
		'exceptions' => true, // Will throw an exception if the response is not ok
		'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, // Will not cache the parsing of the wsdl if any

                // If no WSDL
                'location' => $location, // SOAP URL endpoint  - Must be given here and not on the SOAP call
                'uri' => $uri, // Top: Namespace - Must be given here and not on the SOAP call

		// Auth credentials for the SOAP request.
		'login' => 'username',
		'password' => 'password',

		// Proxy url.
		'proxy_host' => '', // Do not add the schema here (http or https). It won't work.
		'proxy_port' => 44300,

		// Auth credentials for the proxy.
		'proxy_login' => NULL,
		'proxy_password' => NULL,

               // Ssl certificate
               'stream_context' => $context
	) );

// Description of the SOAP function from the wsdl if any
// Description of the SOAP data type from the wsdl if any

// Make a call (see fault handling below)
$response = $this->_client->__soapCall(

// Get the request, property trace must be 1, 'trace' => 1
// Tip: You get it also normally as return value from the __soapCall function

Fault handling

When instantiating the soapClient, you may give in the options array the property 'exceptions'. If it's set to:

  • false: you need to test the response in order to see if it's a SoapFault object
  • true: you catch the fault in the catch block.

See an example below

try {

	$response = $this->_client->__soapCall(

	// Needed if the soapClient options array has the property 'exceptions' set to false
	// Otherwise you get this object in the catch block below
	if (is_soap_fault($response)) {

} catch (SoapFault $e) {
	// Needed if the soapClient options array has the property 'exceptions' set to true
	// Otherwise you get this object back from the soapCall function

where handleSoapFault may be:

 * @param SoapFault $soapFault
protected function handleSoapFault($soapFault)
	echo "Soap Fault\n";
	printf("Error Message : %s \n", $soapFault->getMessage()); // The faultstring node content of the response
	printf("Error Code : %s \n", $soapFault->getCode()); // 0
	printf("Error File : %s \n", $soapFault->getFile()); // The file itself 
	printf("Fault Factor : %s \n", $soapFault->faultactor);
	printf("Fault Code : %s \n", $soapFault->faultcode);
	printf("Fault Detail : %s \n", $soapFault->detail->{'error-message'});



OpenSSL 0.9.8l 5 Nov 2009

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