IDE - Editor at the command line (ie in the console)

Card Puncher Data Processing

IDE - Editor at the command line (ie in the console)


File Editor at the command line (ie in the console)



in bash, see Linux - Shell Editor

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Linux - Shell Editor

console text editor in Linux A lot command use the environment variable EDITOR to choose their editor. See The most known is VIM
Card Puncher Data Processing
Text Editor - Vi (VIM)

Text Editor - Vi (VIM) VIM stands for Vi IMproved. is a command line text editor New to VIM, see Vim is: * a code editor * a file browser * a shell *...
Vim Insert Mode
VIM - Getting Started

vim Getting Started page. See To open the file, run The contents of the file must appear. vivim To work with VIM, you navigate between two modes: Normal mode (default) to execute commands....

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