ODI - Monitoring

Card Puncher Data Processing


How to monitor the execution of ODI.

Through the operator

Operator is the production management and monitoring module. It is designed for IT production operators. and is basically a GUI that displays the status of executions.

Through the work repository metadata

In the work repository, you can find the table SNP_STEP_REPORT and SNP_EXP_TEXT that you can join on I_TXT_STEP_MESS = I_TXT. This is the join for the error message text.

The only column that needs further definition is the decode statement for STEP_STATUS (Status). These can also be found in the ODI Documentation Substitution Methods Reference.

  • 'D' = Success'
  • 'E' = 'Error'
  • 'Q' = 'Queued'
  • 'W' = 'Waiting'
  • 'M' = 'Warning'

Documentation / Reference

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Card Puncher Data Processing
ODIEE - Operator Module

Operator is the production management and monitoring module. It is designed for IT production operators. and is basically a GUI that displays the status of executions.

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