Timesten - ttxactadmin utility

Timesten Component


The ttXactAdmin utility shows:

  • all active transactions,
  • the locks they are holding
  • and anyone waiting on those locks.


[oracle@Exalytics-01 ~]$ ttXactAdmin MY_DSN;
2012-07-01 13:05:17.286
TimesTen Release

Outstanding locks

PID     Context            TransID     TransStatus Resource  ResourceID           Mode  SqlCmdID             Name

Program File Name: ttcserver
  Client: HI-LAPTOP-NGD.HotITem.local ( PID: 9560

1458    0x1427880             3.5      Active      Database  0x01312d0001312d00   IX    0

Program File Name: ttcserver
  Client: HI-LAPTOP-NGD.HotITem.local ( PID: 9560

2985    0x1ba1880             5.27     Active      Database  0x01312d0001312d00   IX    0
                                                   Command   50889616             S     50889616
                                                   Command   50202664             S     50202664

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