SAP Hana - Savepoint

Sap Hana Architecture


SAP HANA persists in-memory data by using savepoints. Each SAP HANA service has its own separate savepoints.

You must always ensure that there is enough space on the disk to save data and logs. Otherwise, a disk-full event will occur and the database will stop working.


During a savepoint operation, the SAP HANA database flushes all changed data from memory to the data volumes.

The data belonging to a savepoint represents a consistent state of the data on disk and remains so until the next savepoint operation has completed.


The frequency at which savepoints are defined can be configured in the persistence section of the global.ini file (every 5 minutes by default).


Savepoints are also triggered automatically by a number of other operations such as:


You can trigger a savepoint manually by executing the following statement


Data Dictionary

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