MapReduce - Reducer

Mapreduce Pipeline


Functional Programming - Reduce - Reduction Operation (fold) in Hadoop.

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Mapreduce Pipeline
Map Reduce - Data (Stream) - pairs

MapReduce framework types the Writable interface (to be serializable) the WritableComparable interface (to facilitate sorting) pipeline
Mapreduce Pipeline
MapReduce - Application

Applications: specify the input/output locations supply map and reduce functions via implementations of appropriate interfaces and/or abstract-classes. These, and other job parameters, comprise...
Mapreduce Pipeline
MapReduce - Counter

counter in Hadoop application. Counter is a facility for MapReduce applications to report its statistics. Mapper and...
Mapreduce Pipeline
MapReduce - Operations (Transformations)

Every mapreduce app has two kind of operations/transformations:
Mapreduce Pipeline
MapReduce - Partition

Partitioner partitions the key space from the map-outputs to be sent to the reducer. The total number of partitions...
Mapreduce Pipeline
MapReduce - Pipeline

A MapReduce app implements a pipeline where: the input is transformed in key value pair stream/data the stream/data is process in paralleled via a map operations the result is then combined/shuffled...

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