Catalog / Model

Card Puncher Data Processing


A catalog defines the metadata.

Its file representation is called a model

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Card Puncher Data Processing
Calcite (Farrago, Optiq)

Calcite is a Java SQL Processing engine where the data storage is developed in plugin. Calcite is an open source cost based query optimizer and query execution framework. SQL Parser SQL Validation...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Calcite - Model

A model is a file representation of a catalog A model defines: schemas - schema Table...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Calcite - Schema

A schema is a tree of schema and tables. It's a component of the catalog The root is called the RootSchema For the schema definition in a model, see schemas...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Calcite - Sql Validation

Validation of a sql tree (SqlNode) With the query planning utility as shown in the getting started With a org/apache/calcite/sql/validate/SqlValidatorUtilSqlValidatorUtil. In the example below,...

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