Graph - Operator (Operations)



Language - Operator on a graph


Operations Description
degree(G, x) the number of adjacent (connected) edge for the node x (ie degree)
adjacent(G, x, y) adjacent tests whether there is an edge from the vertex x to the vertex y;
neighbors(G, x) lists all vertices y such that there is an edge from the vertex x to the vertex y;
add_vertex(G, x) adds the vertex x, if it is not there;
remove_vertex(G, x) removes the vertex x, if it is there;
add_edge(G, x, y) adds the edge from the vertex x to the vertex y, if it is not there;
remove_edge(G, x, y) removes the edge from the vertex x to the vertex y, if it is there;
get_vertex_value(G, x) returns the value associated with the vertex x;
set_vertex_value(G, x, v) sets the value associated with the vertex x to v.
get_edge_value(G, x, y) returns the value associated with the edge (x, y);
set_edge_value(G, x, y, v) sets the value associated with the edge (x, y) to v.


Documentation / Reference

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Graph - Adjacent (is adjacent to, connected)

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