WLST - Mbean Tree Navigation

Card Puncher Data Processing


How to navigate in the mbean tree of weblogic.

Weblogic Mbean Tree


Default Tree (Connection Location)

After a connection to the Weblogic Server, you are in the serverConfig directory.

wls:/offline> connect('biadmin', 'welcome1', 't3://exalytics-01:7001')
Connecting to t3://exalytics-01:7001 with userid biadmin ...
Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'bifoundation_domain'.

Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.


Tree Root Directory

You can navigate to another tree with the following function

  • config: (Deprecated) Navigate to the last MBean in configuration hierarchy. config
  • custom: Navigate to the root of custom MBeans. custom custom. To navigate to the custom MBean hierarchy on the Runtime MBean Server
  • domainConfig: Navigate to last domain configuration MBean or root. domainConfig
  • domainCustom: Navigate to the root of domain custom MBeans. domainCustom. To navigate to the custom MBean hierarchy on the Domain Runtime MBean Server
  • domainRuntime: Navigate to last domain runtime MBean or root. domainRuntime
  • edit: Navigate to last edit configuration MBean or root. edit
  • jndi: Navigate to the JNDI tree. jndi
  • runtime: (Deprecated) Navigates to the last MBean in runtime hierarchy runtime
  • serverConfig: Navigate to the last configuration MBean or root. serverConfig
  • serverRuntime: Navigate to the last runtime MBean or root. serverRuntime
wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig> serverRuntime()
Location changed to serverRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with ServerRuntimeMBean as the root
For more help, use help(serverRuntime)


Tree Navigation

From a root directory, you can navigate in the tree with the following commands:


Lists all the child beans and/or attributes for the current configuration or runtime bean.

In the customDomain, the ls command return only the child bean. The option below doesn't work !

You can optionally control the output by specifying an argument. If no argument is specified, the command lists all child beans and attributes in the domain.

wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig> cd('Servers')
wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig/Servers> ls()
dr--   AdminServer
dr--   bi_server1

where the attributes:

  • d designates an MBean with which you can use the cd command (analogous to a directory in a file system),
  • r indicates a readable property,
  • w indicates a writeable property,
  • and x an executable operation.

The ls command property information is based on MBeanInfo; it does not reflect user permissions.

Get Current bean attributes

To get a list of all the attribute names and values for the current directory (ie the current configuration or runtime bean).

wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig>ls(pwd(), returnMap='true', returnType='a')
-r--   AdminServerName                              AdminServer
-r--   AdministrationMBeanAuditingEnabled           false
-r--   AdministrationPort                           9002
-r--   AdministrationPortEnabled                    false
-r--   AdministrationProtocol                       t3s
-r--   ArchiveConfigurationCount                    0
-r--   ClusterConstraintsEnabled                    false
-r--   ConfigBackupEnabled                          false
-r--   ConfigurationAuditType                       none
-r--   ConfigurationVersion               
-r--   ConsoleContextPath                           console
-r--   ConsoleEnabled                               true
-r--   ConsoleExtensionDirectory                    console-ext
-r--   DomainVersion                      
-r--   ExalogicOptimizationsEnabled                 false
-r--   GuardianEnabled                              false
-r--   InternalAppsDeployOnDemandEnabled            false
-r--   LastModificationTime                         0
-r--   Name                                         bifoundation_domain
-r--   Notes                                        null
-r--   Parent                                       null
-r--   ProductionModeEnabled                        true
-r--   RootDirectory                                /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain
-r--   Type                                         Domain

Get Child beans
  • To displays all the child map in the tree (ie configuration beans that are contained in the current configuration or runtime bean)
wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig> ls(pwd(), returnMap='true', returnType='c')
wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig> ls('c')
dr--   AdminConsole
dr--   AppDeployments
dr--   BridgeDestinations
dr--   Clusters
dr--   CoherenceClusterSystemResources
dr--   CoherenceServers
dr--   CustomResources
dr--   DeploymentConfiguration
dr--   Deployments
dr--   EmbeddedLDAP
dr--   ErrorHandlings
dr--   FileStores
dr--   ForeignJNDIProviders
dr--   InternalAppDeployments
dr--   InternalLibraries
dr--   JDBCDataSourceFactories
dr--   JDBCStores
dr--   JDBCSystemResources
dr--   JMSBridgeDestinations
dr--   JMSInteropModules
dr--   JMSServers
dr--   JMSSystemResources
dr--   JMX
dr--   JPA
dr--   JTA
dr--   JoltConnectionPools
dr--   Libraries
dr--   Log
dr--   LogFilters
dr--   Machines
dr--   MailSessions
dr--   MessagingBridges
dr--   MigratableTargets
dr--   RemoteSAFContexts
dr--   RestfulManagementServices
dr--   SAFAgents

Get the current operations

Get the operations that can be invoked on the current runtime MBean. Operations are not shown for configuration MBeans.

wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig> ls('o')
-r-x   freezeCurrentValue                           Void : String(attributeName)
-r-x   isSet                                        Boolean : String(propertyName)
-r-x   lookupAppDeployment                          WebLogicMBean : String(java.lang.String)
-r-x   lookupApplication                            WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupBridgeDestination                      WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupCluster                                WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupCoherenceClusterSystemResource         WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupCoherenceServer                        WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupCustomResource                         WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupDomainLogFilter                        WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupErrorHandling                          WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupFileStore                              WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupForeignJNDIProvider                    WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupInternalAppDeployment                  WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupInternalLibrary                        WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJDBCDataSourceFactory                  WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJDBCStore                              WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJDBCSystemResource                     WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJMSBridgeDestination                   WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJMSDestination                         WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJMSInteropModule                       WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJMSServer                              WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJMSSystemResource                      WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupJoltConnectionPool                     WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupLibrary                                WebLogicMBean : String(java.lang.String)
-r-x   lookupLogFilter                              WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupMachine                                WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupMailSession                            WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupMessagingBridge                        WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupMigratableTarget                       WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupRemoteSAFContext                       WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupSAFAgent                               WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupSNMPAgentDeployment                    WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupServer                                 WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupShutdownClass                          WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupSingletonService                       WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupStartupClass                           WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupSystemResource                         WebLogicMBean : String(java.lang.String)
-r-x   lookupTarget                                 WebLogicMBean : String(java.lang.String)
-r-x   lookupVirtualHost                            WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupWLDFSystemResource                     WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupWLECConnectionPool                     WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupWSReliableDeliveryPolicy               WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupWTCServer                              WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupWebserviceSecurity                     WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupXMLEntityCache                         WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   lookupXMLRegistry                            WebLogicMBean : String(name)
-r-x   unSet                                        Void : String(propertyName)


  • cd('myserver')

To navigate back to a parent MBean, enter cd(’..’)

By using the Weblogic - MBean Browser/Explorer, you can generate it:

Wlst Generate Cd

It will for instance generate the following code:



“print working directory” (pwd)

wls:/bifoundation_domain/domainCustom> pwd()

wls:/bifoundation_domain/domainCustom> cd ('EMDomain')
wls:/bifoundation_domain/domainCustom/EMDomain> pwd()



Returns the value of the specified attribute.

> ls()
-r--   BIInstanceDeployment                         oracle.biee.admin:oracleInstance=instance1,type=BIDomain.OracleInsta
-r--   ClusterStyle                                 SELF_MANAGED
-r--   ComponentType                                null
-r--   ConfigMBean                                  false
-rw-   ListenAddress                                null
-rw-   MonitorPort                                  9701
-r--   OpmnType                                     OracleBIServerComponent
-rw-   Port                                         9703
-r--   ProcessId                                    coreapplication_obis1
-r--   ReadOnly                                     false
-r--   RestartNeeded                                false
-rw-   ScriptRPCPort                                null
-r--   Started                                      true
-r--   Status                                       ALIVE
-r--   SystemMBean                                  false
-r--   Type                                         OracleBIServerComponent
-r--   eventProvider                                true
-r--   eventTypes                                   java.lang.String[jmx.attribute.change]
-r--   objectName                                   oracle.biee.admin:oracleInstance=instance1,type=BIDomain.BIInstanceD
-r--   stateManageable                              false
-r--   statisticsProvider                           false

> get('Status')


Invokes a management operation on the current configuration bean. Typically, you use this command to invoke operations other than the get and set operations that most WebLogic Server configuration beans provide.

Documentation / Reference

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