OBIEE - Connection Pool Change (Username, password)

Obiee Webcat Critical Folder


method to change the connection parameter of a connection pool from a rpd file (password, …)


12G - List / Update Connection Pool Command

Example: listConnectionpool -SI bi -U weblogic -P password -S -N 7777 -SSL -V true -O output.json
    "Title":"List Connection Pools",
            "password":"72567C146599BE511A0A45D8BB09981B062C0A8FE07287A12E59B9DF9BB86B02E2677169DB8500B4889C3B0D1AB1591F0351B8DE1113B6F64DD2105C0544005443CDD706F59B65D3C74D0037087C7BB4 42D761FF4996501A86AEC8C0024F093A9A265DA5F2DEF42F4882A043E6EA734D",
            "password":"72567C146599BE511A0A45D8BB09981B062C0A8FE07287A12E59B9DF9BB86B02E2677169DB8500B4889C3B0D1AB1591F0351B8DE1113B6F64DD2105C0544005443CDD706F59B65D3C74D0037087C7BB4 42D761FF4996501A86AEC8C0024F093A9A265DA5F2DEF42F4882A043E6EA734D",
} updateConnectionpool -C connpool.json -SI bi -U weblogic -P password -S -N 7777 -SSL

11g - BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar


The syntax for using the nqschangepassword utility is

nqschangepassword.exe -d <data source name> -u <user name> -p <password> -n <new password> [-w <ssl passphrase> | -y]

For example,

nqschangepassword.exe -d AnalyticsWeb -u Administrator -p Administrator -n NewPassword

Admintool command

With the admintool Credits

admintool /command SetConnectionPoolProperty.txt
Open Repository.rpd Administrator Administrator
SetProperty "Connection Pool" "orcl"."Connection Pool" "User" "sh"
SetProperty "Connection Pool" "orcl"."Connection Pool" "Password" "welcome1"

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