Automation Website Backup with CoreFTP

Card Puncher Data Processing

Download the software CoreFTP and install it.

Create your remote site in the software to carry your credentials.

Suppose now you want to Backup :

  • the remote directory /wiki/data
  • from your website myWebSite
  • in the local folder c:\backup\
  • have this log file c:\backup\backup.log

You have to tape this command in a Command Prompt :

C:\Program Files\CoreFTP>"c:\program files\coreftp\corecmd.exe" -s -ON  -d  /wiki/data  -site myWebSite  -p c:\backup\ -log c:\backup\backup.log

Your download start and you can see the log file growing. You just now have to create a bat file and schedule it with your scheduler (for instance : windows scheduler).

Enjoy !

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Card Puncher Data Processing

Backing up properly doesn't 100% remove all issue, just 99.999% removes it (that is why we keep MULTIPLE backups, 3 or 5 at a minimum. When you want to do a backup from your web site, you have two options...

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