Purging the Log

Purging the log allows you to remove the information of past sessions. This procedure cleans the Work Repository from these past sessions. It is advised to perform a purge regularly. This purge can be automated using the OdiPurgeLog tool.

To purge the Log:
  1. Open Operator

  2. Click on the Purge Log button in the toolbar, or select File > Purge Log in the menu bar.

  3. Set the date and time range for the sessions to delete, and optionally specify context, agent and user filters. You can also specify a session name mask, using % as a wildcard.
    Only the sessions in the time range and matching the three filters and the session mask will be removed.
    If you check the purge scenario reports box, scenario reports (appearing under the execution node of each scenario) will also be purged.

  4. Click OK.

Oracle Data Integrator removes the sessions from the log.

Note: It is also possible to delete sessions by selecting one or more sessions in Operator and pressing the DEL key. Be cautious when using this method. It might lead to performance problems when deleting a lot of sessions. In that case, the Purge Log button in the toolbar should be used.