Filtering Sessions in Operator

Filtering log sessions allows you to display only certain execution sessions in Operator, by filtering on parameters such as the user, status or duration of sessions. Sessions that do not meet the current filter are hidden from view, but they are not removed from the log.

To filter out certain sessions:

  1. Open Operator.

  2. Click on the Filter button on the toolbar.

  3. Select the appropriate values for the following parameters. The settings by default select all sessions.

  4. Click Apply for a preview of the current filter.

  5. Click Ok.

Sessions that do not match these values are masked in the session list. The Filter button on the toolbar appears to be pushed in.

To deactivate the filter:

  1. If the Filter button appears to be pushed in on the toolbar, click on this button.

The current filter is deactivated, and all sessions appear in the list.