Using Version Management

Oracle Data Integrator provides project managers with a comprehensive system for managing and safeguarding changes. The version management system allows flags on developed objects (such as projects, models, etc) to be automatically set, to indicate their status, such as new or modified. It also allows these objects to be backed up as stable checkpoints, and later restored from these checkpoints. These checkpoints are created for individual objects in the form of versions, and for consistent groups of objects in the form of solutions.

Important Note: Version management is supported for master repositories installed on the following database engines: Hypersonic SQL, IBM DB2 UDB, IBM DB2/400, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase AS Anywhere, Sybase AS Enterprise.

Working with Object Flags

When an object in Designer is created or modified, a flag is displayed in the tree view on the object icon to indicate its status:

When an object is inserted, updated or deleted, its parent objects are recursively flagged as updated. For example, when a step is inserted into a package, it is flagged as inserted, and the package, folder(s) and project containing this step are flagged as updated.

When an object version is checked in (see versions for more informations), the flags on this object are reset.

Working with Versions

A version is a backup copy of an object. It is checked in at a given time and may be restored later. Versions are saved in the master repository. They are displayed in the Version tab of the object  window.

The following objects of a project can be checked in as versions:

To check in a version:

  1. Select the object for which you want to check in a version.

  2. Right-click, then select Version > Create.

  3. A window appears. In this window, the Previous Versions (>>) button expands the list of versions already checked in.

  4. A version number is automatically generated in the Version field. Modify this version number if necessary.

  5. Enter details for this version into the Description field.

  6. Click OK.

When a version is checked in, the flags for the object are reset.

To display previous versions of an object:

To restore a version:

  1. Select the object for which you want to restore a version.

  2. Right-click, then select Version > Restore.

  3. A window appears with the list of existing versions.

  4. Select the version you want to restore and then click OK.

  5. Click OK to confirm the restore operation.

Warning: Restoring a version cannot be undone. It permanently erases the current object and replaces it by the selected version.

To browse versions:

Oracle Data Integrator contains a tool, the Version Browser, which is used to display the versions stored in the repository.

  1. In the Designer menu, select File > Version Browser....

  2. Use the object type and object  name drop-down boxes to filter the objects for which you want to display the list of versions.

From the Version Browser, you can Restore, Export to XML file or Delete existing versions.

Note: The Version Browser displays the versions that existed when you opened it. Click the Refresh button to view all new versions created since then.

To delete a version with the Version Browser:

  1. Open the Version Browser.

  2. Select the version you want to delete.

  3. Right-click, then select Delete.

The version is deleted.

To restore a version with the Version Browser:

  1. Open the Version Browser.

  2. Select the version you want to restore.

  3. Right-click, then select Restore.

  4. Click OK to confirm the restore operation.

The version is restored in the repository.

To export a version with the Version Browser:

This operation exports the version to a file without restoring it. This export can be imported in another repository.

  1. Open the Version Browser.

  2. Select the version you want to export.

  3. Right-click, then select Export.

  4. Select the Export Directory and specify the Export Name. Check the Replace Existing Files without Warning checkbox to erase existing export files without confirmation.

  5. Click OK.

The version is exported in the given location.

To view the differences between two versions, use the version comparison tool.

Working with Solutions

A solution is a comprehensive and consistent set of interdependent versions of objects. Like other objects, it can be checked in at a given time as a version, and may be restored at a later date. Solutions are saved into the master repository. A solution assembles a group of versions called the solution's elements.

A solution is automatically assembled using cross-references. By scanning cross-references, a solution automatically includes all dependant objects required for a particular object . For example, when adding a project to a solution, versions for all the models used in this project's interfaces are automatically checked in and added to the solution. You can also manually add or remove elements into and from the solution.

Solutions are displayed in the Solutions tree view in Designer.

The following objects may be added into solutions:

To create a solution:

  1. Open the Solutions tree view.

  2. Right-click, then select Insert Solution. A New Solution window appears.

  3. Enter the Name of your solution and a Description.

  4. Click Apply.

The resulting solution is an empty shell into which elements may then be added.

To work with elements in a solution:

To synchronize a solution:

Synchronizing a solution automatically adds required elements that have not yet been included in the solution, creates new versions of modified elements and automatically removes unnecessary elements. The synchronization process brings the content of the solution up to date with the elements (projects, models, etc) stored in the repository.

  1. Open the solution you want to synchronize.

  2. Click the Synchronize button.

  3. Oracle Data Integrator scans the cross-references. If the cross-reference indicates that the solution is up to date, then a message appears. Otherwise, a list of elements to add or remove from the solution is shown.
    These elements are grouped into Principal Elements (added manually), Required Elements (directly or indirectly referenced by the principal elements) and Unused Elements (no longer referenced by the principal elements).

  4. Check the Accept boxes to version and include the required elements or delete the unused ones.

  5. Click OK to synchronize the solution. Version creation windows may appear for elements requiring a new version to be created.

You should do this regularly to keep the solution contents up-to-date. You should also do it before checking in a solution version.

To check in and restore a solution:

Important: When restoring a solution, elements in the solution are not automatically restored. They must be restored manually from the Solution window.

Versions in Operator

You can use solutions to import scenarios into production in Operator.

To restore a scenario from a solution:

  1. Go to the Solutions tab

  2. Double-click a solution to open it

  3. Select a scenario. Other elements such as projects and interfaces cannot be restored.

  4. Press the Restore button.

The scenario is now accessible in the Scenarios tab.

You can also use the Version Browser to restore scenarios.