Importing and Exporting the Log

Importing Log Data

Importing log data allows you to import into your Work Repository log files that have been exported for archiving purposes.

To import the log:

  1. Open Operator

  2. Select File > Import > Import the log... in the menu bar.

  3. In the Import of the Journal window select if you want to import the journal from a folder or from a ZIP file.

  4. Specify the folder or ZIP file.

  5. Click OK.

The specified folder or ZIP file is imported into the work repository.

Warning: It is forbidden to import a journal into a repository having the same ID.

Exporting Log Data

Exporting log data allows you to export log files for archiving purposes.

To export the log:

  1. Open Operator

  2. Select File > Export the log... in the menu bar.

  3. In the Import of the Log window set the export parameters described below, and click OK.

  4. The log data is exported in the specified location.

Log Export Parameters

The following options are available for the log export in Operator:



Export to directory

Directory in which the export file will be created.

Exports to zip file

If this option is selected, a unique compressed file containing all log export files will be created. Otherwise, a set of log export files is created.

Zip File Name

Name given to the compressed export file.


This set of options allow to filter the log files to export according to the specified parameters.

From / To

Date of execution: specify either a date From or a date To, or both.


Agent used to execute the session.


Session's execution Context

Session State

The possible states are Done, Error, Queued, Running, Waiting and Warning.


User who launched the session

Session Name

Use % as a wildcard. Hence "DWH%" would match any session whose name begins with "DWH".

Advanced options

This set of options allow to parameterize the output file format.

Character Set

Encoding specified in the export file. Parameter encoding in the XML file header.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Java Character Set

Java character set used to generate the file.

Note: You can also export the log data using the OdiExportLog tool.