Controls Tab

The interface flow control strategy is defined on the Controls tab. This strategy is centered around a CKM (Check Knowledge Module).

Note: If it is not possible to perform a flow control for the interface (for instance, when the target is a temporary datastore), this tab only contains the fields related to the maximum number of errors allowed.



Maximum number of errors allowed

This option applies to errors detected while extracting data from source file datastores, and to errors detected by the flow control process. When this number or percentage of errors is exceeded, the interface is goes into error state.

If the % box is unchecked, the interface goes into error when one of the following condition is true:

  • The number of errors detected while extracting data from one file exceeds the number of errors allowed.

  • The number of errors detected during the flow control exceeds the number of errors allowed.

If the % box is checked, the interface is in error when one of the following condition is true:

  • The number of errors detected while extracting data from one file exceeds the percentage of errors allowed. The percentage is computed out of the number of lines extracted from the file.

  • The number of errors detected during the flow control exceeds the percentage of errors allowed. This percentage is computed out of the number of records integrated to the target datastore (Insert + Update).

Note: When this field is left empty, then an infinite number of errors is allowed.

Note: The total number of errors can exceed the number of rows in the interface, as a line can infringe several constraints or contain several errors. In this case, the errors add up.


Defining the flow control strategy


The check knowledge module (CKM) used for checking the data. Only the project CKM appropriate for the technology (staging area) into which the check takes place can be selected.


Lists the CKM options with their names and values in a table.

Description of the CKM

Detailed description of the KM, written by the KM developer.


Showing the constraints to check

Name of the constraint

Name of the constraint concerned.


Shows if the given constraint is to be checked (yes/no)