

OdiFileCopy -DIR=<dir> -TODIR=<dest_dir> [-OVERWRITE=<yes|no>] [-RECURSE=<yes|no>] [-CASESENS=<yes|no>]

OdiFileCopy -FILE=<file> -TOFILE=<dest_file>|-TODIR=<dest_dir> [-OVERWRITE=<yes|no>] [-RECURSE=<yes|no>] [-CASESENS=<yes|no>]


Copies files or a folder into files or a folder on the machine of the execution agent.






Yes if -FILE is omitted

Directory (or folder) to copy


Yes if -DIR is omitted

The full path of the files to copy. Use * to specify the generic character.


/var/tmp/*.log (All files with the "log" extension in folder /var/tmp)

arch_*.lst (All files starting with arch_ and having the "lst" extension)


Yes if -DIR is specified

Target directory for the copy.

If a directory is copied (-DIR), this parameter indicates the name of the copied directory.

If one or several files are copied (-FILE), this parameter indicates the destination directory.


Yes if -TODIR is omitted

Destination file(s). This parameter cannot be used with parameter -DIR.

This parameter contains:

  • The name of the destination file if one file only is copied (no generic character)

  • The mask of the new name of the destination files if several files are copied

Note: TODIR and TOFILE are exclusive parameters. If they are both specified, then only TODIR is taken into account, and TOFILE is ignored.



Indicates if the files of the folder are overwritten if they already exist. By default, the value is set to no



Indicates if the copy is done in a recursive manner in the case of a folder that contains other folders. The value no indicates that only the files within the folder must be copied, not the sub-folders.



Indicates if Oracle Data Integrator should be case sensitive when looking for the files. By default, all searched files are uppercases.


Copy the file "host" from the directory /etc to the directory /home:

OdiFileCopy -FILE=/etc/hosts -TOFILE=/home/hosts


Copy all *.csv files from the directory /etc to the directory /home and overwrite:

OdiFileCopy -FILE=/etc/*.csv -TODIR=/home -OVERWRITE=yes


Copy all *.csv files from the directory /etc to the directory /home while changing their extension to .txt:

OdiFileCopy -FILE=/etc/*.csv -TOFILE=/home/*.txt -OVERWRITE=yes


Copy the directory C:\odi and its sub-directories into the directory C:\Program Files\odi

OdiFileCopy -DIR=C:\odi "-TODIR=C:\Program Files\odi" -RECURSE=yes