getFrom() Method


public java.lang.String getFrom()


Allows the retrieval of the SQL string of the FROM in the source SELECT clause. The FROM statement is built from tables and joins (and according to the SQL capabilities of the technologies) that are used in an interface. Thus, for a technology that supports ISO outer joins and parenthesis, getFrom() could return a string such as:

((CUSTOMER as CUS inner join CITY as CIT on (CUS.CITY_ID = CIT.CITY_ID)) left outer join SALES_PERSON as SP on (CUS.SALES_ID = SP.SALE_ID))

If there is a journalized datastore in source of the interface, the source table in the clause is replaced by the data view linked to the journalized source datastore.




insert into <%=odiRef.getTable("L", "COLL_NAME", "W")%>
select <%=odiRef.getColList("", "[EXPRESSION]", ", ", "", "INS=1")%>
from <%=odiRef.getFrom()%>
where (1=1)